Moon Magic

Life is made up of cycles and rhythms…

Our day is full of routines to in line with the rising and setting of the Sun. We honor our circadian rhythm consciously, waking with the Sun (or at least when it's beginning to be light out or after the sun is in the sky) and settling down for the evening when the Sun has set. Notice I didn't say we shift when the Moon rises. Without knowing more, many of us think that the moon is always visible when it's dark out or that it rises and sets in contrast with the Sun. But the reality is, is that the moon has her own rhythm.

The moon phases traverse 29.5 days. The first phase is when she rises at the same time as the Sun, so we can't see her at night. This is the New Moon phase. During this phase, her energy is strong despite not being visible. This is an active or 'yang' phase, but it's a quiet phase as well. It's a time of turning inward and setting an intention for the upcoming cycle. My practice is to ground myself and meditate on what my heart and spirit are brewing. When I ask my higher consciousness where I should focus my energy, I never get bad advice. I plant the seeds of intention and activate them with Moon Energy then surrender them to the highest good. This is how I’m aligning my own “selfish” goals with what is best for the world and everyone around me. It is this alignment that connects us to the Universe (or Spirit or god,if you prefer). When we’re in alignment with the highest good is when Moon Magic becomes the most potent. I'll write more about alignment, New Moon rituals, and reiki in a future post, I promise :)

The next phase of the Moon is the Crescent Moon. This is a yin phase of reflection and relaxation. It is the time to begin meditating on your desired intentions daily. Tune into what your intention feels like in your body. This is inviting more of that feeling, that energy, into your life. It’s telling the Universe that you are open to more of that vibe. The Universe is like a big mirror. Whatever you shine at it, it will reflect back at you. So send out vibes of the world you want to create and surrender the specific delivery - how it’ll be achieved- to the highest good for all. This is an important of manifesting with Moon Magic. We have to set clear goals, but not be tied to how it’ll happen. Live like it's already real.

Next comes the Full Moon - the most active, most energetic phase. Now is the time to take stock of your growth and celebrate your progress over the past two weeks. Practice ritual celebration. Make the experience magical. Light candles, incense, bust out your favorite herbal tea and crystals, use a rose or rose oil to elevate your frequency even more, and dance in the light of the radiant Moon. Even if it's cloudy, tune into her energy and dance in your bedroom (or wherever you feel the most magical). This is YOUR ceremony. Make it was exactly like you want it with resources you have. Remember that things are just items until we assign them significance -- even the smallest things can add beauty to your setup if you decide they're magical.

The last phase is the Balsamic Moon. This is a passive yin phase where we integrate the outcome of our Moon Magic and practice GRATITUDE. This is a big one because whether or not your intention manifested in the way you envisioned it, trust that the way it is now is exactly as it needs to be. And give thanks to the Universe for all the magic over the past 3-4 weeks. You’ve grown and changed and are becoming more and more in tune with yourself as each phase passes. Reflect now on the last twenty something days and take the insights you've gleaned to heart. Then, write out the ways you’ve been blessed in relation to your intentions and to other parts of your life. Take that feeling of gratitude and bless yourself even more, cuz why not get that Big Blessings Energy all the time? ;)

Using the lunar cycle to strengthen your own energy, i.e. magic, is a very powerful practice. The more in tune we are with our energy levels and even hormonal changes, the better experience we have with planning and scheduling our day-to-day life. Taking time for self-care according to these yin-yang phases can mean the difference between a good day and a meh day. Self-care can be anything from taking a walk, meditating, journaling, yoga, reiki, taking a bath, and especially setting boundaries and expectations for when during the month you want to plan, organize, and execute your work endeavors.

Moon Magic self-care is taking care of YOU exactly as you want it. Pamper yourself. You don't need to wait for anyone else to do anything for you. Draw yourself a bath to celebrate the New Moon, buy yourself roses for the Full Moon, or make yourself a delicious dinner for the Crescent Moon and eat super slowly enjoying every bite. Be the romance you've been desiring. If you want love, go give it to yourself. You deserve it.

With the New Moon upon us, do you have a Moon Magic ritual you practice? I would love to hear from you, so drop a comment or message me with your thoughts.

Keep shining, friends <3




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