Tapping to Release Energy Blockages
Illness begins in the mind. And so does healing. We have to believe we can get better in order to mentally and physically get better. To get there, the first step is to forgive ourselves for being sick or hurt, and to affirm that we love and accept ourselves anyway.
EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, or Tapping is an acupressure technique used to release energy blockages and heal the mind-body.
My signature EFT method involves using affirmations of love, acceptance and gratitude. These are the emotions we want to feel more of and that we want to replace fear/sadness/addictive patterns.
It’s a super simple method to tune into a problem we’re dealing with and rewire neural pathways to boost positive energy flow. It's super easy and you can do it anywhere, anytime.
While there are many ways to tap, the method I practice and teach uses nine meridian points:
Top of the head, beginning of the eyebrows, temples, under the eyes, between the nose and upper lip, between the bottom lip and the chin, under the clavicles, under the non dominant armpit with the dominant hand (right hand taps near bra line on the left side), and the inside of the two wrists by tapping them together.
These energy pathways send electrical impulses throughout the body to keep all systems working, but—in addition to moving and storing energy— they also store emotions. While tapping on these energy pathways, we first tune into the issue and its resulting emotions that we’re trying to address then shift into how we want to feel. Because as we know, how we feel is our choice. So with this technique we are consciously choosing to release patterns and feel better.
You can tap on any issue you’re struggling with from physical pain to mental addiction to financial freedom to finding romance. We work on acknowledging the issue verbally and really bring up what our thoughts are about the topic so that the feelings are on the surface. We want to get into the state of feeling the emotions that we’re trying to release. So, this can be very intense depending on the issue itself. You might experience energy movement while tapping, like sneezing, yawning, burping or crying – these are all signs that energy is moving inside you. In this state, we affirm that even though we’re feeling the way we are, we love and accept ourselves anyway. This is the key statement that we return to multiple times during a tapping session. It is the key to letting the energy block go. Even though we feel x, we love and accept ourselves anyway. It’s okay to feel. And it is okay to let the feeling go. As we’re releasing this way, we turn our attention onto the positive emotions we want to invite in instead.
You can use tapping therapy to free yourself from these stored anxieties, stresses, depression, and emotional hurts, and focuses on helping you to better implement positivity and energy into your life.
If this like something you’d like to try, I have great news for you: I offer anxiety tapping twice a week now before my relaxation classes. These are body awareness/yoga classes where the intention is to help you relax.
Check out the schedule here to register: https://me.onpodio.com/YogaWithSparks/workout