Are Your Emotions Running Your Life?

So much of our life experience depends on how we feel. Both in the moment, do I feel good enough to do what I want today… and how I feel about the non present, ie yesterday or tomorrow.

The magical thing that more and more people are beginning to learn is that you can change how you feel intentionally when you learn to regulate your emotions.

Here come EFT for the win… Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) are techniques to help regulate emotions and relax the nervous system. One technique is called tapping, which combines acupressure and exposure therapy to shift how you feel. It is my fav technique because of how easy and effective it is at shifting emotions. This is probably the technique you’ve seen me demonstrate on social media if you follow my work with anxiety.

With anxiety, much of the time we experience mental fear (overthinking, uncontrollable thoughts, worry, catastrophizing, etc) and physical fear (elevated blood pressure, shallow breathing, shaking, etc) but we’re not actually in danger. It is just our emotions making us feel that way.

Here’s the thing.

You don’t have to keep letting how you feel run your life. You can be the one to decide how you want to feel.

But first you have to get out of survival mode.

By saying out loud (or thinking to yourself if more appropriate) how you’re feeling, you’re reestablishing a connection with the body, you bring yourself into the present moment, where you KNOW you’re safe.

This way, your body can end the stress cycle… and you can let go of the emotions that got stuck in your body.

You are literally capable of changing how you feel by learning how to regulate your emotions.

Once that happens, you can replace the old patterns of thinking with good-feeling thoughts… and create the life experience you DO want.

Want to tap yourself out of survival mode with me?

I offer ...
👐 1:1 EFT session packages:
👭 Personalized tapping in my 12 week intensive 1:1 life experience coaching program:
💆‍♀️ Live group tapping circle on Sundays:

📺 A library of recorded tapping videos on demand via Patreon:

Join me Sunday via Zoom or in my Patreon membership to try tapping with me live💗


EFT, Self-acceptance and Rest


Seed Cycling