Yes, You’re Dehydrated…
Did you know the main precursor to disease is dehydration?
Most people are drinking “distilled” or tap water that is either void of minerals or has way too many chemicals in it (thanks, Government Juice).
Drinking water without quality minerals causes dehydration. Why? Because you’re peeing out minerals each time you urinate. And if you’re not replenishing your minerals with your water, you’re emptying your body’s reserves of minerals. This is why your pee gets clearer as you drink more dead water.
Did you know that most of the beautiful humans on the planet are dehydrated?
Yes, you included!
ANDDDD that most of the water we are drinking is ☠️ DEAD WATER?!
Kinda hard to get hydrated with dead water, don't you think?
Also, did you know that alkaline water isn’t exactly the holy grail it's made out to be?!
Did you know that water isn't just vital for hydration?
It plays a crucial role in conducting electrical currents in the body! That's right, you’re electric, baby! This is essential for muscle function, nerve impulse and maintaining the balance of electrolytes. These electrical signals help your heart to beat, your muscles to contract, and your brain to process vast amounts of information every second of the day. And let’s face it, life takes vast amounts of information.
You know what else?! Approximately 70% of your body and 75 % of your brain is water! 75% percent! This makes hydration incredibly important for cognitive function, including memory, attention, and even creativity. Studies have shown that even mild dehydration can impair cognitive functions, affecting mood and concentration, and increasing the perception of task difficulty. NOT CUTE!
What’s the solution?
Hydrating your CELLS with minerals, like electrolytes, and the healing your body’s chronic dehydration with hydrogenated water.
One of the most significant advantages of hydrogen water lies in its unique capability to permeate cell membranes, allowing it to access the cytosol-(cell fluids), mitochondria, and nucleus of cells.
This exceptional feature sets it apart from most antioxidants, as many free radicals tend to target these cellular organelles, which most antioxidants cannot reach.
By diminishing the levels of free radicals within the body, molecular hydrogen plays a pivotal role in reducing inflammation, slowing the aging of cells, alleviating pain, and preventing or mitigating the symptoms associated with various diseases.
Let’s get practical about dehydration.
The easiest ways to add minerals and electrolytes to your self-care is through supplementaion.
OmniBlue Ocean Minerals:
LMNT: watermelon & unflavored
Ultima multi-flavor pack:
If you want to go even deeper to support your body’s innate healing capacity, it’s time to learn more about hydrogen water with the CellPower Vitality Vessel:
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