Thoughts become things
You’ve probably heard the phrase thoughts become things. It was quoted by Mike Dooley in his book Choose Them Wisely: Thoughts Become Things. And what it means is that your beliefs create your reality. The more you believe your life is a certain way, the more that will become true. Another way to think about it is that life is self-fulfilling prophecy: whatever you believe, whatever you think about you will attract.
While sometimes this is a very exciting and positive perspective, other times, like now when the world is in chaos, it can be scary af. Because right now, with all the unrest and violent energy, it feels super scary to not be in control of what's going on in the outside world. It feels like there is danger everywhere, from the invisible virus that keeps raging on to the civil unrest taking place on the streets due to the murder of another innocent black man.
But what we need to do understand is that it is ok to feel scared right now. It is okay to feel sad and powerless in response to the systematic racism our POC brothers and sisters are facing (and have always faced in this country), even though some of us are not physically threatened at this time. And while it is our responsibility to step up and voice our concern and outrage against the system, it is also our responsibility to make sure we are practicing self care because we can not help others if we aren’t taking care of ourselves first.
So, I wanted to gently remind you that even though we don’t have control over what’s happening outside, you do have control over your internal world, i.e. what you’re thinking about and how you feel, right now.
The root of anxiety is our thoughts. Just like how food stuck between our teeth become cavities, unattended thoughts & feelings become physical emotions & ailments. Over time, our thoughts become feelings, and feelings become emotions, which can then manifest into a physical response (or an ailment) if we don't take care of them asap.
Think about it like this process of a thought turning into being unwell.
1. Thought: I'm not safe
2. Feeling: I don't feel safe
3. Emotion: I'm anxious about not feeling safe
4. Physical response: My stomach is upset because I feel anxious about not feeling safe.
So, now that we see the process of thoughts becoming physical things, let's practice awareness and squash those bad ju-ju thoughts & feelings before they incarnate and turn into gross cavities. There are so many people experiencing chronic pain because of emotional issues they didn’t deal with. I’ll go into this more in a future post, but these are issues like lower pain back due to financial stress, thyroid issues due to not speaking your truth, and upper back pain from not feeling emotionally supported.
To override their power, the very first step you need to take is to acknowledge the thought or feeling.
Next, you want to choose to love and accept yourself anyway.
Then, choose to redirect your energy to a more positive outlook.
The new process looks more like this:
1. Thought: I'm not safe
2. Feeling: I don't feel safe
3. OVERRIDE: Even though I don't feel safe, I love and accept myself anyway
4. Emotion: I feel love for myself
5. Physical response: Deepening of the breath, lowering of the pulse/heart rate
If this sounds familiar it is because this is essentially what we’re doing when tapping. And if tapping is new to you, it is an acupressure technique where you tap on various meridian points throughout the body to release pent up energy. What we’re doing is removing energetic blocks and creating new neural connections so we can create a story with new beliefs and new ways of being to replace the old ways. You can tap on anything from anxiety, physical pain, to manifesting money. If this sounds interesting, I invite you to my Sunday morning Feel Good Yoga + Tapping class at 9:30 am pt. You can register using this link or by clicking on the image below.
I hope you feel inspired to try releasing your thoughts before they turn into things.
Stay elevated, my friends <3